I am having HUGE cravings lately... why now in the pregnancy?? Problem is if I shove my face with all the treats I want I might just end up in a diabetic coma. YUP failed the first test and going in for another, wish me luck...
ALSO, HAPPY MOTHERSDAY, I am so luck to have sweet, spunky kids that keep me laughing and they make me feel loved!
Oh no! Hopefully the next test goes well...I always thought I would get Ges diabetes with my pregnancies because I ate like a heffer!
Love you
I had to do that test twice with Brady. Second time I got the OK which was good because I do have the biggest sweet tooth! Good Luck! Stay away from Crave the day before he he! Happy Mother's Day to you to!!
i didnt get craving until i was 6 months or so and then BAM!! i wanted everything sugar!
good luck on your test!!
hahahah I am taking a test today. I hope he tells me there is something wrong in a way because there has to be an explanation as to why my butt is freakin huge and doesn't fit into any pants (maternity/sweats/spencers etc)
Happy Mothers day to you! Love ya
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