Tuesday, 2 February 2010

better late then never..

Just some of the things we did last year , that we will continue to do this year! First hang with our FINE FRIENDS!
Carson and I did the cubs end of the year hike it was long hard and I can't believe these little men did it!! I have to thank Darcy Dables for carrying carson half way down.. { Carson had a wicked headache} he finished the rest himself though!! I want to do this with Carson every year it was so neat to get to the top and see your progress! Good job boys! { yearly hike}

MOM'S 60th! she will have a birthday once a year so that is something we will always Celebrate!

New Years out at the lake! That is where we will be!

And constantly laughing at my kids! ALL THE TIME!

the childrens Nativity! of course!
I miss kauai and all it's glory I wish that could be a yearly thing for us!
and I just liked this one. This was Quinn on he 6th Birthday!
I am going to start off by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR! Better late then never right? Lots has happened since christmas, so I will play catch up, and see if I can remember most of it. Christmas was GREAT! We spent it with family and friends, and lots of good food. Just before christmas we found out that we will be blessed with another little one that will join us in AUG! OH how far away that feels, BUT now I feel like it's just around the corner. New years was great to, We packed up and spent some time out at the cabin, We had a fire going all the time, games, food, fire works, skating on the lake it was awesome! My kids just was saying the other day how much fun it was out there! GOOD memories for sure! Other then that we just kinda hung out, slept, and enjoyed doing nothing. I started to get PRETTY sick the last night out at the cabin and it got worse from there, I knew it was going to hit{ with the pregnancy} it was just a matter of time, And it's still going strong. so really for the last two months I have been either over the toilet ALL DAY, or... OVer the toilet all day! Thank goodness for Drugs! now I am over the toilet Half the day! Should be getting better soon though! I am 13 weeks and almost done my first trimester. Jeff started school Jan 4th, and is finishing his fourth year electrical! BOY that went by fast. HE is doing great and is good at what he does, He is done March 26th I believe.. I feel like this is a big year for us, LOT going on and with in moths of each other.... Here is looking at a great year!. Also we had a FUN night out a mom and dads the other night to CELEBRATE mom's 60th!! if you ask me she DOESN"T look a day over 35! Love you mom, you have another 60 in you!