the nurse cuts out there EKGs into heart shapes and gives them to the kids.. if you look closely to the heart, on the second and third row between v5 and V6 the funny looking jumps in the EKG is her Wolf Parkinson White.
Ivy had her two month check up with her Cardiologist yesterday and she did great! We were hoping for better news, but not much has changed with her condition Wolf Parkinson White{WPW} or the Regurgitation of blood flow in her heart chambers. But she is doing fine and still having perfect heart rhythms. We talked about long term effects, medicine, what to do in case it does start to race and future procedures she could possible have. it was all good news but still makes me sad and I have a hard time talking about it.... I feel like I need to go have a good cry before and after the appointments then I can have a normal conversation about it. The Dr couldn't believe the routine We had with her medicine, she about fell off her chair when we told her I had been giving her medicine everyday at 12, 8 and 4 in the morning, She gave us a different medicine, to only give twice a day hopefully that will give me more sleep in the night. We love our little Ivy and keep hoping for the best, If anything changes it will be around the Year mark.. if nothing changes by that time{ as in she grows out of it } then she will have it for life and we will have do consider options for her to make her more comfortable or normal with her heart.