Sunday, 6 September 2009

newest family member

we have a new family member, he is great, quiet, stink free, change his box every 6 months and he eats popcorn and hotdogs. What a great pet! we love him already! He has two different shells he changes into when he wants, we watched him do it today and it was really cool. he is sure to live for 15 years! I guess we will see....


Julie said...

Very cool!!!!!! Jackson's class pet last year was a hermit crab! They're pretty awesome!

sandra said...

very cool!

Lisa said...

looks like the perfect pet. We tried a turtle this summer but he didn't last long. The tank was too messy. You'll have to post a picture of his second home!

Jay and Bec said...

Awesome. An animal in the house that doesn't stink?? I'd be sold.